Guillotine machine / Shredder machine

Guillotine machine / Shredder machine
Guillotine machine / Shredder machine

Presently, the industry has rapidly growth to support the production needs. KI-ECOTECH is a recycle business that realize for the environmental impacts from the production of industrial factories. KI-ECOTECH can manage the waste from the industries by transform the metal scraps to the value added raw materials including saving the storage and transportation costs, reduce environmental aspects and energy saving as well.

KI-ECOTECH has the large cutting machine (Guillotine machine) and the large grinding machine (Shredder machine) for grinding, cutting and processing the steel and metal scraps, aluminum, plastics and other materials with effectiveness.

Guillotine and Shredder machines are the machines that use technology which imported from Japan. There are efficiency for grinding and divide the large metal scraps and other materials to be smaller. The customers can specify the size of steel and metal as required.

Guillotine machines of our factory are able to cut the long steel into the small pieces with size 30-80 cm. per piece. It has a sharpness with 1,000 tons pressure that can cut the material thickness up to 33 mm.

เครื่องตัดกิโยติน (GUILLOTINE MACHINE)

The grinding machine (Shredder machine) is working on system of 1,250 horsepower which could be grinded the many kinds of steel materials to be the raw material for recycle. In addition, the Shredder machine also separate the unused material into the different kinds such as steel, plastic, aluminum, brass, copper etc.

เครื่องเชรดเดอร์ (SHREDDER MACHINE)

    The advantage of using guillotine and Shredder machines are :
  • able to reduce the space and the cost for keeping
  • able to manage the recycle process with safety
  • able to prevent the pollution problems